Your Guide to Grantmaking through a Donor-Advised Fund

In this video series, our philanthropic advisors share best practices for using a donor-advised fund.

Grantmaking 101 – What is grantmaking?

What does it mean to be a grantmaker, and what does it look like from a donor-advised fund?

Senior Philanthropic Advisors Nicole Stuke and Whitney Hosty talk through the grantmaking journey using a donor-advised fund. From identifying your areas of interest to analyzing your personal values, we want to inspire you to be a confident and enthusiastic grantmaker. Whitney and Nicole discuss:

  • How we define grantmaking
  • Types of grants made through donor-advised funds
  • Formulating a grantmaking strategy
  • How we can help you become the philanthropist you want to be

Watch the video and see more resources on grantmaking→

Granting Beyond Your Lifetime – How do I continue my philanthropic impact in years to come?

Creating a charitable legacy is essential for philanthropists. How do I ensure my charitable intent is passed along beyond my lifetime?

Senior Philanthropic Advisors Whitney Hosty and Jenny Erdman discuss the importance of naming individuals as successor advisors and organizations as beneficiaries of your charitable assets after your lifetime. Jenny and Whitney cover:

  • The role of successor advisors
  • Strategies for planning your philanthropic impact beyond your lifetime
  • How we can help ensure your charitable intent is documented for future giving

Watch the video and see more resources on naming successor advisors and strategies for grantmaking beyond your lifetime→

Involving the Next Generation in Your Philanthropic Efforts – How do I influence others around me to be generous?

Passing along charitable values can seem like a daunting task while balancing everything else.

Senior Philanthropic Advisors Gwen Wurst and Whitney Hosty share ways you can involve others in your philanthropic journey. As parents, sisters and aunts themselves, they know first-hand easy ways to get started. Gwen and Whitney chat through:

  • Small everyday acts that spread generosity
  • Easy ways to involve little ones, teens and young adults
  • How we can help you make a plan for involving your whole family in philanthropy

Watch the video and see more resources on involving family and the next generation in your philanthropy→

Trust-Based Philanthropy – How does a trust-based approach to my philanthropy help nonprofits I care about?

Leaning into trust as a donor is a key tool in expanding your relationship with nonprofit organizations and supports charitable giving that is both meaningful and impactful.

Senior Philanthropic Advisors Kelli Doyle and Gwen Wurst, both passionate about the trust-based approach, share more about the principles and actions philanthropists can implement to create more trusting relationships with nonprofits. You’ll learn:

  • What trust-based philanthropy means
  • Actions you can take to strengthen trustworthy relationships with nonprofits
  • How we can help you add a trust-based approach to your grantmaking

Tune in to the video and explore more resources on trust-based philanthropy→

Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Framework – I want to support racial equity through my philanthropy….but how?

If you’ve been inspired by the words and actions of the countless trailblazing voices, activists and leaders shaping the racial justice, racial equity and ant-racism movement, you may wonder what action to take. How do you make forward-moving change in racial equity through your philanthropy?

Vice President of Grantmaking and Inclusion Initiatives Denise St. Omer and Senior Philanthropic Advisor Kelli Doyle engage in a conversation on how to reframe your grantmaking to include racial equity. Denise and Kelli discuss:

  • How traditional philanthropy impacts communities of color
  • What a racial equity philanthropy framework looks like
  • Strategies to implement as you start your journey
  • How we can help you include racial equity in your grantmaking

Watch the video and browse resources on racial equity and philanthropy→

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