Philanthropy Built on a Foundation of Trust: Using Trust-Based Values to Strengthen the Philanthropic Sector

Trust is the foundation for all of our relationships – it can make, build, and break any bond. It is no different for the relationship between donors and nonprofits. Leaning into trust as a donor is a key tool in expanding your relationship with an organization and supports charitable giving that is both meaningful and impactful. Tune in to the …

Granting with a Racial Equity Framework: Supporting BIPOC Communities for Greater Philanthropic Outcomes

If you’ve been inspired by the words and actions of the countless trailblazing voices, activists and leaders shaping the racial justice, racial equity and ant-racism movement, you may wonder what action to take. How do you make forward-moving change in racial equity through your philanthropy? Vice President of Grantmaking and Inclusion Initiatives Denise St. Omer and Senior Philanthropic Advisor Kelli …

Involving the Next Generation in Your Philanthropic Efforts: Passing Along Charitable Values for Generations to Come

Passing along charitable values can seem like a daunting task while balancing everything else. Senior Philanthropic Advisors Gwen Wurst and Whitney Hosty share ways you can involve others in your philanthropic journey. As parents, sisters and aunts themselves, they know first-hand easy ways to get started. Gwen and Whitney chat through: Small everyday acts that spread generosity Easy ways to …

Granting Beyond Your Lifetime: How Successor Advisors Support Your Philanthropic Legacy

Creating a charitable legacy is essential for philanthropists. How do you ensure your charitable intent is passed along beyond your lifetime? When using a donor-advised fund, one way to pass along your charitable intent is to name successor advisors to advise your fund when you are no longer able to do so. In this clip, Senior Philanthropic Advisors Whitney Hosty …

Our 2021 Annual Report is Now Available

In another record-breaking year, Greater Horizons donors sent more grants out the door from their charitable funds than ever before. Donor-advised funds continue to be our most popular type of charitable fund, providing donors the flexibility to set aside money in a charitable investment account for tax-free growth to maximize donations to nonprofit organizations. See more about the remarkable work …

Cross Seas of Philanthropy: A Q&A with Jeremy Tennenbaum of Vanguard

Jeremy Tennenbaum, senior nonprofit strategist at Vanguard, recently sat down for an insightful conversation with Nicole Stuke, Philanthropic Advisor at Greater Horizons. The pair discuss current challenges and trends impacting philanthropy today and Jeremy shares advice and predictions for what the future of giving looks like. Who’s Who in the Q&A? Philanthropic Advisor Nicole Stuke works with nonprofits to help …